Bitcoin mining container price

Bitcoin mining container price

Bitcoin Mining Container

We are reputable dealers to provide clients with free and genuine Bitcoin miner container price quotes from qualified container suppliers. We have connections with the best dealers like QuoteColo in the United States, Canada, and Europe. In addition, we are known for offering ASICs that are available to be purchased by our clients, and we provide a solution for our clients who need fully turnkey containers at a pocket-friendly power or land price. This land/power price starts from as low as 6.5 kWh, and all our costs are in US dollars.

Bitcoin miner Container and their Prices

Below is a list of available Bitcoin miner container and their prices. Please get in touch with us directly using the contact details provided above for a detailed update on the cost and availability of the containers. It is also worth noting that these containers’ prices and availability may change over time. The prices of these containers are dependent on the size and the additional features available on them.

New Bitcoin Mining Container Price

  • 12 ft Mini-pod container (houses, 70 S19 style miners) costs 25,900 US dollars. ( turnkey container choices with mining machines are available but at a higher price than the regular containers.
  • 15 ft Mini- crib mining container (houses 100 S19 style miners) is $38,600 US dollars.
  • 20 ft Mining containers (houses 198 S19 style miners) are $ 64,000 US dollars.
  • 40 ft Mining containers (houses 396 S19 style miners) – $126,900
  • 40 ft mining containers with air and evap cooling (houses 432 S19 style miners) cost $145,000 US dollars.

Immersion Bitcoin Mining Container Choices Available

Private Home Immersion Enclosure (houses 4 S19 style miners) costs $8,000 US dollars
20 ft immersion Bitcoin mining Container (houses 100 S19 style miners) costs $280,000 US dollars
40 ft Immersion Bitcoin mining container (houses 220 S19 style miners) costs $450,000 US dollars

Used ASIC Bitcoin Mining Containers

Turnkey Crypto Mining Solutions

Turnkey Crypto Mining Solutions

For used Bitcoin Containers, you have to contact us via the provided email for additional information and updates on delivery time flame and price changes.

We offer fully Turnkey bitcoin mining containers in Georgia, Missouri, Canada, and Pennsylvania. Prices and availability of these containers change over time, and it is thus essential to keep in touch with us for updates.

Everything is provided to start a private mining farm for people willing to buy the fully Turnkey mining containers. They are equipped with next-generation miners, management power, and land. Below are the estimated %c kWh and their prices.

  • A one MW container that houses 300 next-generation bitcoin miners- its price is $150,000 US Dollars.
  • Turnkey bitcoin miners equipped with 300 S19 Pro miners would cost $2,850,000 US dollars. This price was calculated by approximating the unit price of miners is $9500, and the prices of these containers may change over time depending on the current market price of these miners.
  • Monthly managed OPEX Bitcoin mining containers and cost $34,560. This pricing can be broken down as follows. Three hundred miners in the container ×0.5 cents per unit miner×3.2kw×24 hours in a day×30 days in a month.

In addition, we can also supply you with used ASIC units to make your mining unit fully Turnkey. Many wise miners nowadays are purchasing used ASIC units like the S9s or the S17 miners at meager market prices, and they can make a profit despite the condition of the market.

Fully Managed and Turnkey Bitcoin Mining for Individuals and Institutions

These are 100% furnished and managed units for clients who want to start bitcoin mining without practical obstacles and difficulty (purchasing the containers, miners, hosting, and technical problems). This platform allows you to buy an assured Terahash for three years instead of buying and hosting miners. If prices change, don’t hesitate to contact us to update the current prices.

An Assured Terahash for Three Years

  • A one-time cost that ranges from $38.95- 44.95 per Terahash
  • Monthly OPEX pricing is $1.69 per Terahash
  • Management fee ranges from 10-15%, depending on the volume of the miners.
  • Ultimately managed 24×7 support and covered
  • Legal charges and return for capital invested guidance (ROI)
  • MOQ 500 Th

For all clients who would like to purchase immersion cooling mining containers, we have contact with the best dealers in the USA. They design emersion cooling mining solutions housed inside an ISO shipping container. Clients using these miners are only required to provide them with electricity, internet, and water. These mining container solutions are equipped with both single and double-phase coolant options.

In 2022 we expect to offer Turnkey Crypto mining investment solutions to our clients with 1MW+ ASIC miners. Moreover, we have a dealer with an electromagnetic generator solution for clients who would like a 2MW with a power source and bitcoin miners. The pricing of these miners starts as low as one cent for a single 2MW.

Large-scale mining clients should consider adopting the container miner solution, especially with ASIC or GPU units. Containers give them flexibility and an ideal mining environment to ensure the miners are cool and always running. The containers are equipped with the state of the art cooling technology and fire suppression mechanisms. There have been many container options available to you; below are some examples.

One option available to mining clients involves the host company providing mining containers and the client, on the other hand, supplying mining technology. These companies then charge the mining clients rent for the space, internet, power, and cooling. Most of these host clients charge per miner, and the pricing is available upon request; please reach us through the provided contact details.

Bitcoin mining logoThe other option available is where the client purchases the container, and the host company provides internet, land, and power. The clients may oversee the mining process or let the hosts take control of the process. This option is suitable for clients who have more than 300 ASIC or GPU rigs. North American and European companies charge 3-5.5 ¢ per KWH.

The final option available involves the host providing container, land power, and internet. For this option, we have host companies worldwide that will provide containers and charge as low as4¢. This is the best solution for investors who want to invest in cryptomarket and get a hands-off key.

Used Bitcoin mining Container in Utah USA
  • For small scale miners who are looking for the best bitcoin Mining container for sale, below are the best deals for you
  • The containers are made from 40’ shipping containers
  • Have operational fans in place
  • Properly vented
  • Have breaker boxes
  • Proper shelving
  • Can hold up to 720 S9 units

Best Prices Available

20 ft container mining prices

  1. 160 units $28,500
  2. 320 units $ 52,000
  3. 640 units $92,000

40 ft container miner container costs

  1. 860 Unit $138,000
  2. 1300 Unit $189,00

The terms of these containers require the client to deposit 50 % upon ordering the container and pay the rest 50 % after inspecting the containers.

You can now get container hosting in Missouri for as low as $.035 US dollars. If you are interested in getting an ASIC or Bitcoin miner container solution, please reach us on the provided contact details provided above

Get in touch with Us

call 18884005732